Why Not Automate More Processes?

A personal perspective from James Simpson of Solvexia Business Process Automation. It has been common knowledge for over 150 years that you can raise the productivity of a business by using machines alongside people to complete work. It is also common knowledge that most businesses are competing (in part) on the basis of productivity. These… Continue reading Why Not Automate More Processes?

The Mobile Revolution

What happened when computing became mobile? New opportunities for efficiency, effectiveness, marketing and selling opened up. However, we also discovered a Pandora’s Box of new information security threats, reputational risks and legal quicksand. This is an early article on this development and it’s implications.   Mobile-revolution

The Vandals are at the Gates

In this paper, we introduced a framework and a metric tool to help companies begin to transform their information security effort into a business asset. Our contention is that we are dealing with is fundamentally a managerial problem, not a technological one. We should concentrate on strategies, policies and procedures rather than technology. We believe… Continue reading The Vandals are at the Gates