Managing the Innovation Process

Innovation. We want it. We demand it. Technology, especially information technology, is seen by business leaders as a primary source (often the only source) of innovation, business agility, and even competitive advantage —  and yet we seem to be unable to articulate (or even agree on) something basic: how do you innovate successfully? What is… Continue reading Managing the Innovation Process

Realizing the Business Benefits of Enterprise Architecture

For decades, corporate  executives and department managers have complained about the budget overruns and schedule delays that invariably accompany complex IT business planning and transformation projects. The fact that these costly undertakings  often fall short of achieving the planned business objectives only serves to increase their frustration. The underlying causes for these failures include: the… Continue reading Realizing the Business Benefits of Enterprise Architecture

Fear the Skeuomorph. Embrace the Skeuomorph.

“For as long as I’ve been in digital media, skeumorphs have annoyed me. The original CD ROMs, for example, often had a home screen that started with a bookshelf, and you clicked on the ‘book’ you wanted to ‘open’ (excessive use of quotations intentional). Here’s the thing: bookshelves are a great idea if you want… Continue reading Fear the Skeuomorph. Embrace the Skeuomorph.

Why Not Automate More Processes?

A personal perspective from James Simpson of Solvexia Business Process Automation. It has been common knowledge for over 150 years that you can raise the productivity of a business by using machines alongside people to complete work. It is also common knowledge that most businesses are competing (in part) on the basis of productivity. These… Continue reading Why Not Automate More Processes?

IT Consumerization — Crisis or Opportunity

The age of IT consumerization is upon us: employees are not only bringing their smartphones and tablet devices to work — they are using them at work, both for personal and work use. This often involves connecting unsecured platforms to vital business services, which is simultaneously exciting and scary. The consumerization of information technology blends… Continue reading IT Consumerization — Crisis or Opportunity

The Mobile Revolution

What happened when computing became mobile? New opportunities for efficiency, effectiveness, marketing and selling opened up. However, we also discovered a Pandora’s Box of new information security threats, reputational risks and legal quicksand. This is an early article on this development and it’s implications.   Mobile-revolution

The Consumerisation of Information Technology

The ‘consumerisation’ of information technology is a powerful trend that promises many significant long-term business consequences, including radically lower costs, greatly improved functionality, and successive generations of users who are ever more technology-savvy. Consumer devices and infrastructure are also becoming an important platform for a wide variety of innovative new products, services and applications.  … Continue reading The Consumerisation of Information Technology